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radio imaging voice over FEMALE UK



Northern/Geordie Accent

Commercial Voiceover work is a passion of mine and one that I’ve been part of for over 30 years. Whilst a lot of trends have changed over time, the same fundamental things remain, the opportunity to connect a customer with a brand in a very short concise time and in a way that connects on a human level, hopefully memorable and ultimately works for the client.

Commercial Voiceover work is a passion of mine and one that I’ve been part of for over 30 years. Whilst a lot of trends have changed over time, the same fundamental things remain, the opportunity to connect a customer with a brand in a very short concise time and in a way that connects on a human level, hopefully memorable and ultimately works for the client.

Commercials offer such a varied life for a voice artist and one that may seam glamorous one minute as you could be the polished voice behind a big global fashion brand or car manufacturer selling something all bright, beautiful and exciting then the next and just as important, are those commercials about planning a funeral, selling building materials, plumbing services or insurance.

Often the most challenging scripts to record due to the time given. Radio commercials are usually 15 second, 30 second or if you are really lucky 60 second scripts and forming part of those 1 minute ads is often a bespoke jingle or sonic branding and maybe a disclaimer tagline or Legal Terms and Conditions, always read at breakneck speed.

For TV, you can be the narrator of something cinematically beautiful and breathtaking and be remembered forever as a cog in a truly era defining commercial. My mind goes back to the Hovis, Ridley Scott ‘bike’ advert, Guinness and their surfer advert ‘Tick follows Tok’ with it’s beautiful cadence and Honda’s Impossible dream – a whopping 2 minutes plus in duration and just a tagline statement at the end.

So as you see it’s the incredibly varied commercial work that brings real enjoyment. In a single day of recording several different commercials I can change my accent, emotion, point of view, character, age, demographic, narrative, and representation of a brand- now thats the fun part.

And to truly create a believable landscape, connection, then deliver the sales message in a genuine and informative way – well that’s a skill and that’s golden.

I have worked with Ingrid for many years. I hire her for voice work time and time again. She has great availability and always a positive attitude. I often steer my clients and others toward hiring her too because she is always accountable and very easy to work with!

Kirissa Shipp


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